Tag: sambo

133 Come to the Dark Side Part 2

The Martial Brain
The Martial Brain
133 Come to the Dark Side Part 2

Jeff continues his mini-series on the controversy surrounding leg locks in submission grappling training and competition.  This week he tells the Russian part of the story.

132 Come to the Dark Side Part 1

The Martial Brain
The Martial Brain
132 Come to the Dark Side Part 1

Jeff begins a four-part series discussing the controversy regarding the relative safety of leg locking techniques in submission grappling training and competition.  In Part One he tells the “Brazilian Story.”

46 But Mommy, I WANT There to be a Santa Claus!

The Martial Brain
The Martial Brain
46 But Mommy, I WANT There to be a Santa Claus!

Jeff discusses the cognitive bias known as “motivated reasoning”.  He uses the gi vs. no-gi grappling debate to illustrate his points.

3 What is a Traditional Martial Art?

The Martial Brain
The Martial Brain
3 What is a Traditional Martial Art?

Jeff digs into the use of the word ‘traditional’ when applied to a martial art, and what he perceives as the problems in coming to an apt definition.