Jiu Jitsu
The martial arts have evolved more in the last 30 years than at any other time in history! The single most important factor in this growth has been the explosion of the grappling art known as Jiu Jitsu, most especially Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Jiu Jitsu is all about surviving, escaping, and gaining control in grappling situations, whether there are rules or not.
A traditional uniform or “gi” is not required to train in Jiu Jitsu at the Academy, but instruction in gi techniques is available.
The Jiu Jitsu course offered at the Academy utilizes the most advanced concepts, techniques, and training methods available!
Integrated Martial Arts
In June of 2021, Mr. Westfall reached a milestone: 50 years of studying the martial arts! In that time he obsessively pursued knowledge from a wide array of sources.
He has curated and distilled that knowledge for you to offer the Integrated Martial Arts course!
Informed by martial sports like Boxing, Muay Thai, MMA, Jiujitsu, and Fencing, and combat systems like FMA, Majapahit Martial Arts, and Jun Fan Gung Fu; the IMA curriculum focuses on developing survival skills for the real world first, before expanding into combat skills that are flexible enough to use for protecting others as well as yourself.
The course includes but is not limited to training in:
Long Range Striking
Close Range Striking and Manipulation
Comprehensive Weaponry and Defense vs. Weapons Skills
The IMA class will give you a fun work-out, engage your brain, and enhance your real world survival skills!