Tag: Wrestling

164 Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

The Martial Brain
The Martial Brain
164 Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

This is an archival reissue of The Martial Brain #23.  In it Jeff draws parallels between the game “Rock, Paper, Scissors” and various aspects of the Martial Arts.

75 There Ain’t No Such Thing as a Free Sample

The Martial Brain
The Martial Brain
75 There Ain't No Such Thing as a Free Sample

Jeff discusses the pros and cons of martial arts sports competition, and the importance of understanding sample size when analyzing and interpreting data.

70 Any Port in a Storm

The Martial Brain
The Martial Brain
70 Any Port in a Storm

Jeff discusses a concept common among a wide variety of martial arts styles; positions where you can find a moment of order in the chaos of combat.

69 Them is Fightin’ Words!

The Martial Brain
The Martial Brain
69 Them is Fightin' Words!

Jeff discusses common words and phrases from English that have their origins in combat and the martial arts.  Some of them may surprise you.

68 Taking Down the Dragon

The Martial Brain
The Martial Brain
68 Taking Down the Dragon

Jeff discusses the many problems he has with the Bruce Lee ‘biopic’ “Dragon, the Bruce Lee Story.”